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Photographs from the 5th Pratilipi Event

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Photographs from the 5th Pratilipi Event

5th Pratilipi Event: An Exhibition of Teji Grover’s Paintings

Musicologist and Philosopher Mukund Lath will open the show. The exhibition will remain open from 11 am to 7 pm till Nov 17.

Rustam, Ingrid Storholmen, Anirudh Umath and Matsya will read their poems at the opening. Teji and Giriraj are also likely to join the better ones 🙂

Contact: Teji (9630135805), Poorva Yagnik Kushwaha (9928550094) Giriraj (mail@pratilipi.in)

4th Pratilipi Event: Photographs of the Sarai Reading

4th Pratilipi Event: Poetry Reading at Sarai

Sarai-CSDS City As Studio & Sarai Media Lab Presents:

SURFACES / 6 Younger Poets & Chapbook Launch

Monday August 9 – Sarai Cafe – 6 PM

Featuring readings in Hindi and English by:

Geet Chaturvedi
Giriraj Kiradoo
Monica Mody
Nabina Das
Nitoo Das
Rahul Soni
Vyomesh Shukla

(Event arranged in collaboration with Pratilipi, a bilingual online literary magazine.)

The evening will also include a short discussion around innovation in poetry editing and publishing and launch of a special limited edition chapbook, made together with the visual artists of Sarai’s City As Studio fellowship, featuring some of the poems that will be read.

*About the readers:*

Poet and fiction writer Geet Chaturvedi has published five books including two translations. He is Editor (Magazines), Dainik Bhaskar.

Poet and translator Giriraj Kiradoo co-edits the bilingual journal Pratilipi: http://pratilipi.in/

Born in Ranchi, Monica Mody just received her M.F.A. in poetry from the University of Notre Dame where she won the 2010 Nicholas Sparks Prize. Her poetry has appeared in Wasafiri, Pratilipi, nthposition and elsewhere.

Nabina Das‘s first novel, Footprints in the Bajra, was published this year by Cedar Books. She is a poet, fiction writer and India editor for the literary journal Danse Macabre.

Nitoo Das teaches English at Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi. Her first collection, Boki, was published by Virtual Artists Collective, Chicago, in September 2008.

Rahul Soni is a writer, editor and translator “of no fixed address”. He co-edits the bilingual journal Pratilipi and works with Writer’s Side ( www.writersside.com ) among other things.

Vyomesh Shukla has published a poetry collection and is editor of a magazine, Samas.

3rd Pratilipi Event: Sameer Rawal, in Coversation (at MITS on March 22, 2009)

Sameer Rawal, in Conversation

Sameer Rawal, in Conversation

Photographs from the 2nd Pratilipi Event

2nd Pratilipi Event: Shiv Kumar Gandhi / Prayag Shukla: Painting / Poetry

On Novemver 20, Pratilip and Samanvai Art Gallery invite you to a Pratilipi Event. Once again its an attempt to blend two different kinds of performances. Famous poet and art critic Prayag Shukla will inaugurate Shiv Kumar Gandhi’s exhibition of paintings at 6.30 pm and will read some of his own  poems. 

The exhibition will be open till 27th.